Saturday, May 26, 2007
The class outing to
Sentosa is on this coming
Monday, 28 May 2007, 10am at
Inter Small Mac. Please inform Michelle or Evon whether u going anot. Thanks.
And the next gathering coming up is the
Class Chalet on
7-8 June 2007. You all are to come at 4pm. Will be updating the place ASAP.The chalet if FREE. If you are coming or have any queries, please contact Cherie or Evon for more details. Thanks.
rawkers were born @ 4:34 PM.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Hey peeps!
Secondly, There's a birthday BBQ party holding at Gerald's house on this saturday, 26 MAy 2007. Anyone from 2e3 going, please tell either GERALD or MICHELLE before this saturday. THanks. =]
Thirdly, Sentosa trip have confirmed on 28 MAY 2007. Time and place will be update soon. =] And please confirm with either EVON or MICHELLE by this FRIDAY or lastest by SUNDAY. =]
rawkers were born @ 8:45 PM.